Easy-print version




  1. Choose a topic or topics.  Circle your topic/s. 
  2. Use at least 5 of the words provided to construct a poem of any length on a blank sheet of paper or the back of this page.  Ideas for form provided below.
  3. Place your completed form in the poetry slam box. You may complete more than one if it strikes your fancy.  You may collaborate or work alone.  You may bring poems from home and/or write them at the party.
  4. At the appointed time those interested will congregate in the front room and those who choose to read/perform the poems will randomly choose them from the box and recite them to the amusement or mortification of others.  Fun!



(choose one per poem or mix-n-match!)

  Piracy: On the high seas or otherwise

  1. Stamps: Philatelic, rubber, alternate to stomp
  2. Women are Human!Armadillos and Cloning: Armadillos typically give birth to identical quadruplets.  Go on - take an inferential leap!
  3. The Vote:  Women have it – who next?  16 year olds?  Signing gorillas?  Argue your case with lyrical rhythm and vigor.
  4. Saddam Hussein:  Just kidding.  Please don’t write about this.  Thanks.
  5. Horticulture as High Art: How carefully manipulating our plant friends makes this world a better place.  Think Filoli, think Kew, think Giverny.
  6. Whatever your little heart desires.


Word List

(Please use at least 5 of the following randomly chosen words –  any form of them - in your composition)


grog, cornucopia, squash, Bulgaria, butterfly, foreign, hearth, tradition, incubate, lily, ardent, cuspidor, corny, ameliorate, mainsail, squall, hinge, tarragon, cardamon, wavelength, frequency, paucity, cockatiel, pieces-of-eight, aurous, femur, frigid, compost, arroz con pollo, polymers, meridian, Dionysus, niceties, temperance, chalk




Your poem may take any form and be of any length.  You may choose that it be a song, in which case you may want to provide notes on the melody or rhythm to which it should be sung.  It can rhyme, be as formal as a sonnet or sestina.  It could be a rap song, blank verse or a haiku (5, 7, 5 syllables.)  It could be a limerick.  It could be some rhyming ad shtick.  It can (and should) be anonymous – unless you choose to reveal yourself after the recital.  Just make something up and stick it in the box.  Thanks.

Bulgarian dogs - excellent!

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