Investigations durng the Week of March 18th

A. Use this Supply List to respond to the questions on the Google Form: Our Covered Wagon Supplies.

B. See everyone's responses on the Spreadsheet for Our Covered Wagon Supplies .

Question One: Can students' responses on the Google form (A) be moderated before they become part of the linked spreadsheet (B?)
Answer: Have two spreadsheets. The form will populate the one spreadsheet that you can see.
Copy the spreadsheet into a new one that students can access and edit.
With this method, you have the original and the students have one that they can work on.

Question Two: How can I get the 'View Only' feature into my spreadsheet, above, that's in the example below?

(Ali's Example showing the 'View Only' feature.)
Answer: Click on the blue "share" button in the upper right hand corner.
It brings up a popup screen where you have the option to change to "view only."

Investigations during the Week of March 4th
How Can Google Drive Tools and Kidblog Enhance Teaching and Learning in Meaningful Ways for 4th Graders?

March 10th
A. I have now set up an intial Blog post that students will have the opportunity to respond to this next week.
B. I have also completed work on the Google Form regarding Our Covered Wagon Supplies.
C. I am working to understand how to view the responses in a way that they cannot be edited once they are on view.
Also, I need to learn how to modify the spreadsheet, initially, before students input their information.

I am working to further develop instructional ideas surrounding our first class use of Google Docs (Forms.)

March 7th
A. This spreadsheet made by Dave Nettel demonstrates how kids can interact to a question.
Doodle 4 Google Question

B. For next week, for the Westward Movement, I will set up a question, as an optional homework assignment.
Possible questions, perhaps accompanied by a picture:
1. What are the top 5-7 items that are most important for your family to bring in your covered wagon on the Oregon/California Trail?
2. Do you agree or disagree that these items are most important to bring in your covered wagon on the trip west?
(Include a list of items.)

C. Also next week, each child will be assigned to a "family" with a family name. This will allow them, from home, to agree or disagree with
a fellow family member about their priorities for their items.

March 6th
A. It appears that the classroom computers cannot be used for Google Drive, so the ideas below will not work at this time.
B. Thus, I am thinking of a home/school assignment that allows students to respond to a class question from home.
C. Perhaps, students take home a proposed supply list for a journey along the Oregon/California Trail.
D. They prioritize the most important supplies to take along or leave behind.
E. From home, using Google Drive or Kidblog, they comment on one another's priorities, and determine their own priorities.

Questions: What do parents need at home?
What do I need to set-up at school?
Can Kidblog be used on the classroom computers?

March 5th
A. There is a three activity classroom rotation (20 minutes at each activity for a total of one hour.)
B. One of the activities takes place on the computer.
C. Two or three students are seated at each of the four classroom computers.
D. The teacher has posted a question related to a current class topic: For example, the Bear Flag Revolt.
The question posed has a variety of responses, and will stimulate dialogue/debate.
E. At the computer, the first third of the students read, discuss, and then post an answer to the question.
F. Next, the second third of the students read, discuss, and post a response to the answer that was made by the first group, as they also write their own answer.
(Up for consideration: Do they agree or disagree, and why? What do they think?)
G. The third third of the students read, discuss, and write a response to the answers made by the first and second groups, as they also write their own answer.
(Up for consideration: Do they agree or disagree, and why? What do they think?)

March 4th
A. This idea is similar to Idea #1. The difference is that instead of the teacher posing a written question, s/he shows a picture that stimulates dialogue.
For example, the ones at Document Based Questioning.
B. This Idea #2 will mesh with GLAD observation charts.
There could be online GLAD observation charts that are responded to using Google Drive.

Miscellaneous Information
1. What are Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides?
2. Google Drive
3. Kidblog
4. Create a Google Form
5. Ali's Uses of Google Drive
6. Other Google Docs/Drive ideas
7. Google Apps for Edcuation