Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 00:25:04 -0700
Subject: Re: CryoNet #12503 - #12504
From: John W Perry

Unfortunately, Charles Platt is completely right on this business of strange people in cryonics. As someone who was at some the Cryonics Meetings in New York some ten years ago until the regular meetings stopped. I must admit that some of the people there were downright strange and bizarre. Without naming names, I think anyone who was there can agree on that there were some odd people present. I do not mean this in a positive way. I was one of the few "normal" and, despite my attempts to be unique, rather conventional people who attended semi-regularly and I brought a number of other 'normal' people to the meetings over the years. These people would ask me what kind of weirdos these people were and I'd just say that they were eccentric but harmless. I kind of hoped that at the meetings were wouldn't be any really strange behavior or comments, so the visitor(s) could possibly draw a favorable impression. Alas, I do not think I was so successful. My friends seldom would come more than once and they themselves made up nearly half of the newcomers who attended meetings of the New York City cryonics discussion group from approximately 1990 to the mid-1990s when the regular meetings stopped.

John W. Perry, Esq., Nicole Bass' Personal Attorney
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