School Sites .pdf of Calendar Dixie History Facilities Improvement Demographics & Test Scores



in the Dixie School District



You may direct questions regarding the Dixie District’s GATE Program to your child’s teacher, your school principal or to the DSD’s Director of Educational Services.

  • Dixie Elementary 492-3730
  • Mary E. Silveira 492-3741
  • Vallecito 492-3750
  • Miller Creek 492-3760
  • Educational Services 492-3703

G.A.T.E. Steering Committee 2003 - 2004

Donna Pittman, Director of Educational Services

Roy Allen, Vallecito parent
Mary Frances Reed, Mary Silveira parent
Claire Snyder, Miller Creek parent
Pam Spedus, Miller Creek parent
Alfia Wallace, Dixie Elementary parent
Melissa Becker, Miller Creek Assistant Principal
Betty Henry, Miller Creek teacher
Jessica Sullivan, Dixie Elementary teacher
Rachel Stone, Vallecito teacher
Susan DiGirolamo, Mary Silveira teacher

G.A.T.E. Families

Join the Dixie G.A.T.E. Yahoo! group to discuss GATE issues and network with other families. You will need to register for a Yahoo id, which is free. You can use your own email address to get messages. Check it out here.

There are more resources for G.A.T.E. students and their families at the News, Resources and Fun links below.


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