Geography & World Culture Study GroupLessons - April 2004Europe IIMonday, 4/5/04 Learn some Russian and Hebrew as we continue our exploration of spring festivals. Decorate eggs in two Russian styles and create a Passover seder plate. Thursday, 4/8/04 Passover Links: The
Passover Story - A story of freedom from slavery. Moses, Egypt, the
plagues. Russian & Ukrainian Easter Links: Russian
Easter Observance - Traditional Russian customs and foods associated
with the Easter season. Monday, 4/12 & Thursday 4/15/04 Monday, 4/19/04 Geography and Languages of Europe Thursday, 4/29/04 Interactive Map of Europe - Mouse over the provinces to learn their location and capital city. Try to memorize the location of at least 5 countries and at least 3 capitals. Geospy Game Monday, 4/26/04
Thursday, 4/29/04
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