
  1. Choose a topic or topics.  Circle your topic/s. 
  2. Use at least 5 of the words provided to construct a poem of any length on a blank sheet of paper or the back of this page.  Ideas for form provided below.
  3. Place your completed form in the poetry slam box. You may complete more than one if it strikes your fancy.  You may collaborate or work alone. 
  4. At the appointed time those interested will congregate in the front room and those who choose to read/perform the poems will randomly choose them from the box and recite them to the amusement or mortification of others.  Fun!


(choose one per poem or mix-n-match!)

  1. Cheese: You know it's dangerous.  You know you love it.  Now you can sing its praises. (Please, limit discussion to Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée cheeses and do NOT include cheese "food products".)
  2. Hematochezia is NOT an Italian cheese.  Think you know what it is?  Maybe we don't want to know…
  3. Aromatherapy:  What you need after hematochezia.
  4. Radio-control Dating services: Finally, a date who does exactly what you want when you want it!
  5. Autumn in Iraqazoidia:  What do the constellations say about the seasons? What symbols in the sands speak to us of what is to come? 
  6. Chinchillas: Frozen and soft serve.  The most delightful dust bath you'll ever witness.

Word List

(Please use at least 5 of the following randomly chosen words in your composition)

Cro-Magnon, slam, vertical, tractors, sausage, TROGDOR, embroidered, milk, malachite, gruyere, indigent, penitent, kukaburra, flea-bitten, opus, curdle, wormhole, borscht, redolent, uxorious, whistle, fennel, cicadas, flannel, mons.


Your poem may take any form and be of any length.  You may choose that it be a song, in which case you may want to provide notes on the melody or rhythm to which it should be sung.  It can rhyme, be as formal as a sonnet or sestina.  It could be a rap song, blank verse or a haiku (5, 7, 5 syllables.)  It could be a limerick.  It could be some rhyming ad shtick.  Just make something up and stick it in the box.  Thanks.

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