Linguistics and Strategic Studies: An
Introductory Course
Strategic Studies Strategy is a plan, method, or series of maneuvers or stratagems for obtaining a specific goal or result. It can be used by nations, corporations, non-profit or religious institutions and other organized special interest groups to achieve common goals. How does linguistics fit in with strategic studies?
What is spoken where? Let's start by finding out about the languages of the world. Linguists estimate that there are 5,000 - 6,000 mutually unintelligible languages or dialects in the world. Ethnologue lists 6,912. (See How Many Languages are there in the World?) Of these many are extinct and only about 200 are spoken by more than one million people. Most Spoken Languages. Everyone agrees that Mandarin Chinese has the most speakers but there is some dispute over what the order of the rest are. Here are a couple of lists so that you can compare. Comrie & Weber | UNESCO | Ethnologue | Internet Users by Language - What are the most common languages on the Internet? |