Monsters, Mermaids & Multimedia

Instructor: Alfia Wallace


The Sphinx, Egypt

LaBoone, Emet. img_0234.jpg. Saturday, December 22, 2007. Pics4Learning. 10 Oct 2011 <>

Lesson Two

  • Review of software and file formats and discussion of projects during lunch. Review facts about creatures.
  • In the lab, introduce Keynote. Create a title slide. Save. Add three more slides. On each slide, add the origin and some facts about your creature in your own words. Open your Word file for reference. Save. Minimize Keynote.
  • Add Images from the Web: Open Safari. Find at least 2 images of your creature. Drag the images onto the desktop, resize and crop in Preview if needed, and then drag them into theKeynote, one to a page. Under each picture add a text box and cut paste the url of the webpage where you found the image and the attribution, if available. Save.

Image Links
Use the search function - Remember attribution!

Wikipedia | Dave's Mythical Creatures | Pics for Learning

Research Links

Contact: Alfia Wallace -