Mona Charen
What 'Measure 58'
THE WOMAN IS NOW IN HER MID-40S. Twenty years ago, she was raped,
became pregnant and decided to put the baby up for adoption. Her
daughter is now 20, and using the methods available to adoptees --
help from her parents, the Internet and other sources -- she was able
to make contact with her birth mother.
Both women were happy to make the contact, at first. "This was still a
baby that I carried for nine months," the birth mother told the
Associated Press. "I had the same longing that any mother has." But
after a couple of meetings, the daughter announced that she would like
to search for her biological father as well. At that, the birth mother
retreated, grateful that nothing in the law required her to face or
even hear about her rapist again.
Advocates are framing this as a rights cause. Why should adoptees not
have the same rights to their genetic history that everyone else
enjoys? By what right does the state decree that adoptees should
remain in the dark about potentially life-threatening genes they may
carry or interesting information about their ethnicity?
Everyone with a cause in America casts it in terms of "rights"
eventually. "Rights talk," as Professor Mary Ann Glendon of Harvard
has pointed out, is a way of avoiding debate. If you have a right to
something, there is nothing to argue about. There is no room for
competing considerations.
When it came to the civil rights of black Americans, rights talk was
just and necessary. But its later offshoots, like the "rights" of
women, homosexuals, the disabled and now adoptees, are terribly
misconceived. All of the questions these groups would foreclose are
far better sorted out as matters of policy than pre-empted as matters
of rights.
Does it serve some public purpose to keep adoption records sealed,
even to the adoptee himself?
Yes. In the first place, there is a fairness argument. It's one thing
to propose openness from now on. But this measure is retroactive. The
women who placed children for adoption all those years ago were
promised that they could do so completely confidentially. To change
the rules on them now is a serious breach of contract.
The lady who was raped has excellent reasons to cling to privacy. So
does a woman who has since married and had more children without
revealing the existence of the adopted child to her family.
The cases where an adoptee seeking contact would be unwelcome to the
birth mother are limited only by one's imagination. Most states have
honored the birth parents' needs and wishes by establishing
registries. Those who are not averse to being contacted register with
the state, and if all parties are amenable, identifying information is
exchanged. Oregon's law would disdain the wishes of birth parents.
Most adoption agencies have also sought to supply adoptees with as
much medical information as they are able to obtain. And it is almost
always possible, through an intermediary, to obtain medical data even
from birth parents who do not wish to be contacted.
Advocates of total openness assume that confidentiality was an
artifact of a bygone era when illegitimacy was shamed. Since we no
longer attach stigma to unwed childbearing, they say, why make
adoptees feel that there was something wrong with the way they came
into the world?
Whether or not shame attaches to the birth mother's decision, she is
entitled to privacy. Surely the heroic decision to bear a child and
place him for adoption is entitled to the same protection in law that
the decision to abort is granted. To change the rules for one and not
the other is to weight the adoption decision unfairly and to tilt
public policy away from adoption.
The desire to meet one's birth parents is totally human and
understandable. But most adoptees also know that there are other
considerations (only 6 percent search). They know that to frame this
argument as a matter of "rights" is to oversimplify a very complex
would do
if Measure 58, a ballot initiative in the state of Oregon, passes on
Nov. 3, birth mothers like the one described above will have no
choice. All birth records will be opened to adoptees when they reach
the age of 21.