Roger Wayne Wallace, Ph.D.Father, Teacher, Friend - Page 6 1919 -2011 Roger was an enthusiast for computers teaching Fortran programming. He soldered together a number of 8080 computers in the mid 1970’s, was a member of a number of computer clubs, and always had a portable PC with him in his later years. Marjorie developed Alzheimer’s in the mid 1990’s and died in Jan 2011. Roger met Gretchen McDonald, Ph.D. in 2000 on the Aranui, a mixed passenger/cargo vessel that operates between Tahiti and the Marquesas. Gretchen and Roger greatly enjoyed cruises, freighters, and world travel. He moved to Victoria, British Columbia to live with her a few years ago. Roger loved travel, eating lunch and dinner, iced tea with lemon (and extra lemons), and good conversation. He traveled extensively to see solar eclipses, the aurora borealis, and the continents. He attended a wedding in San Diego of Gretchen’s granddaughter. As he put it, he at too much Mexican food and felt ill. Kaiser diagnosed a bradyarrythmia with pauses and recommended a pacemaker. Pacemaker placement went well. Reversal of Coumadin led to a post procedure stroke which led to complications and death. The Aranui Roger Wayne Wallace, Ph.D. was a wonderful father, grandfather, a generous friend, teacher, lecturer, historian, philistine, traveler, and enthusiast for computers, boats, skiing, photography, and electronics. He will be sadly missed. Photos & Fan Page Coming Soon Download Memorial as Printable .pdf | The WW2 Experiences of Roger Wallace (.pdf, 26 pp.) | Blog/GuestBook Back to Plumsite Memorials - Plumsite |