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Native American Publications, Arts and Media

I am compiling a list of Native American Newspapers, Journals, and other publications. If you don't see one on the list that you think should be added, please email me and let me know! Also, please visit the Aborginal Youth Network's News Centre which posts articles from a wide variety of Native publications. Great job!

Galleries, Art Centres, and Museums
Ableza A Native American Arts and Film Institute
Artnatam Native American artists
Black Mesa Traders Specializing in Hopi arts and crafts
The Heard Museum Arizona museum of Native culture and art
JAAM Original art from the First People of the West Coast
Khot-La-Cha Coast Salish Handicrafts, from totem poles, to paddles, to masks
Marketier Limited Creations Professional distributors of a wide and varied native american collection
Native Cybertrade Showcases native artists, musicians, and their works
Powersource Native American Art and Education Center
SuBee Showroom showcase for the Arts & Crafts of the Four Corners area of the United States, the homeland of the Ute and Navajo people
Publications, Radio and Other Media
American Indian Review Quarterly magazine, articles written by American Indians, published in London, England
Indian Artist The Magazine of Contemporary Native American Art, Music, Literature, Photography, Film, Theater & Dance
InterTribal Technology Network "designed to bring Native Americans together as a group to focus on the beneficial applications of telecommunications and other technologies in the lives of Native people."
Native American Report Website for subscription information to newsletter
Native Americas Akwe:kon's Journal of Indigenous Issues
The Native Book CentreThe site offers over 1100 Native related books searchable by author,subject or title.
Native Circle Website for a Native radio program dedicated exclusively to presenting the works of Native Americans
NativeTech Unusual and fascinating sitet about Native technology as it relates to art. A must see!
Nunatsiaq News Nunavut's Territorial Newspaper
Red Ink A Native American Student Publication
Wawatway News Bi-weekly newspaper serving all the communities in NAN (Nishnawbe-Aski Nation), Treaty #3, and
Robinson-Superior Treaty areas (nearly all of northern Ontario).
Powwows and other Events
Pow Wow Dancing Styles, etiquette, images, and more
Powwow Page by Tribal Voice includes wav files, and listings by date and place
Turtle Vision Native owned and oerated performance group, specializing in southeastern culture
Indices and Miscellany
AMMSA The aboriginal multi-media society of Canada has a fabulous site
Stonee's Weblodge Lore, legends, teaching, quotes and links
