Adoption-Related and Reform-minded Organizations on the Web

Adopted and Fostered Persons Association of Ireland Search help and support for Ireland-born adoptees

Adopted Person's Support Group South Australian group meets regularly and provides advocacy, counselling, and other services.

Adoptees in Search- Denver

Adoption Council of Canada

Adoptive Families of America

Adoptive Families Together Well-designed site with a calendar, action alert page, and other useful information for adoptive families.

AKA World Intercountry Adoption Community, well-organized with lots of information, particularly for Korean-born adoptees

American Adoption Congress An organization dedicated to adoption reform through education, and support of legislative activism and change

The American Association of Open Adoption Agencies

Bastard Nation Visit first, ask questions later

The Center for Adoptee Rights Way cool site with studies, essays, and information on adoption reform

Chosen Children's Charities

Council for Equal Rights in Adoption Despite their name, CERA is actually more of a search and support network than anything else. Their Website states that they are "dedicated to helping people who have been separated by adoption find each other", and they claim to be the largest network of search and support groups in the world.

Evan B. Donaldson Institute.

Families with Children from China

The Forget Me Not Family Society "commits to creating a climate of openness, understanding and respect for all members of the adoption circle, through education, support, empowerment, and advocacy for progressive changes in attitudes and legislation."

Friends of Korea "a non-profit corporation whose purpose is to offer opportunities for all who are interested to come together in promoting greater awareness and appreciation of the value of Korean heritage in the United States. Our board of directors consists of first and second generation Korean Americans, Adult Korean born adoptees, Adoptive parents, and those in interethnic families."

Independent Search Consultants A non-profit corporation consisting of accredited search consultants

Oregon Adoption Rights Association

PACT--An Adoption Alliance "Throughout the five years since its inception, Pact's founders and tiny staff have dedicated themselves to the mission of providing the highest quality adoption-related services to children of color, their birth parents, and their adoptive parents."

PA Adoption Legislative Coalition "It is our mission to improve the quality of information about adoption in Pennsylvania and to advance adoption policy and practice through a bi-partisan forum and network of concerned citizens involved with adoption in our state."

TIES Sponsored by Bastard Nation, TIES is the Terminal Illness Emergency Search Program, which offers volunteer search and reunion assistance to adotpees diagnosed with a terminal illness

The Transracial Adoption Group The Transracial Adoption Group is a national organization dedicated to serve as a clearinghouse for the exchange of information on transracial adoptive placements. Specifically, its aim is to find permanent homes for black and biracial children by promoting transracial adoption as a viable form of adoptive placement.

TXCARE Texas Coalition for Adoption Resources and Education

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