Who We
Endorsement Requirements

of C.A.R.E. Endorsement

C.A.R.E. Endorsed Registries

Registry Complaints

International Soundex
Reunion Registry

Contact Us

The Coalition For
Adoption Registry Ethics, (C.A.R.E.), was created in
response to the need for standardization of policies and
procedures of online reunion registries.
We have become increasingly concerned over the practices
of some online reunion registries, such as selling
information previously promised to be confidential,
and the creation of new online reunion registries
who claim to provide free registry and/or search
services, but are little more than sparsely worded
invitations to send email to an unknown
person. Such situations, however well-intentioned,
are too easily a setup for exploitation of the online
search community.
It is the goal of C.A.R.E. to provide a way for the
online searching adoption community to safely and
effectively search for birth relatives online without
being exploited for profit.
In addition, we are concerned that the proliferation of
registries has a negative impact on awareness of and
support for the oldest, largest, and most successful free
reunion registry in the world, the International Soundex
Reunion Registry.
It is also a goal of C.A.R.E. to help educate the online
searching adoption community about the effective use of
registries, particularly the ISRR.
C.A.R.E. will achieve these goals by:
* setting and upholding ethical
standards for the operation of free
online reunion registries
* promoting registries that conform to these standards
* promoting awareness of the International Soundex
Reunion Registry.
Online Registries* who operate consistently within these
standards will become C.A.R.E. endorsed sites and will be
allowed to display the C.A.R.E. seal on their website.
They will also be promoted on existing high traffic
websites such as Voices
of Adoption, Volunteer Search
Network, Adoptee's
Right To Know, Bastard
Nation, and the C.A.R.E. Home
Page. In addition, they will be allowed to join the
C.A.R.E. webring and the Adoption Webring. If
you think your registry qualifies, apply
*Membership in CARE is limited to
those registries who adhere to the criteria and who are
primarily devoted to acting as a registry. Individual
homepages that simply post searching data or who maintain
a bulletin board and whose primary purpose is not
maintaining a registry, do not meet membership standards.
Some Frequently Asked
Questions About CARE:
1. Is CARE a
No. CARE is much more than a webring. We are a group of people well
known in the online adoption community who have joined
together to form a coalition. The goal of this coalition
is to provide a safer environment for the online adoption
searching community to register in search of their loved
ones. The only thing we ask of a registry who has become
endorsed by CARE is that they display our logo on their
website with a back link to CARE. The webring is merely a
tool to bring all the CARE endorsed registries together
in a way for a searcher to easily navigate between them.
Becoming a part of the webring is optional. A registry
can be CARE endorsed and not be a part of the webring at
2. Can my registry be part of other webrings
and still be CARE endorsed?
Certainly. However we do ask that you
exercise good judgement in the webrings you join.
3. Is CARE an online reunion registry? I can't seem to
find where I'm supposed to register.
CARE is not a reunion registry, so does not have a
database that you can register/search in. We do encourage
you to visit CARE endorsed registries to register and/or search.
4. My website is not an online reunion
registry, but it has a lot of resources for searching.
Can my website be endorsed by CARE?
Sorry, no. CARE only endorses online reunion registries
that meet our standards. If you have an original adoption-related website
that is not just a list of links, please submit it to the Adoption Ring
for consideration.
5. I would like to start an online reunion
registry. Can you help me?
Currently there are over 30 reunion registries on the
internet. Some serve a specific purpose, such as
specializing in states, regions and countries. There are
registries who are specific to maternity homes,
birthmothers searching, etc. The first question that
anyone needs to ask themselves before
starting a new online reunion registry is "what
would my registry have that would make it unique from the
other existing online reunion registries and beneficial
to the online adoption search community?"
Also, registries can cost money. Depending on how it's
set up, you may have to pay your internet service
provider more money for a larger amount of server space
as well as a fee for transfer rates. If you are
unfamiliar with html and programming, you might have to
pay a programmer to build your online or offline database
for you. Or, if you choose to post the information or
check for matches manually, it could be very time
consuming. There may be other operating expenses that may
need to come out of pocket, such as purchasing software
or applying for tax-exempt status if you want to solicit
for donations (which is required if you want
your registry to be CARE endorsed).
This sounds rather blunt, but fact is, if you are not
willing to make the commitment to the time and money it
can cost to run a registry, then you would probably be
better off finding another way to help the searching
adoption triad members online. Some suggestions would be
to put up a website that provides search resources,
writing legislators in support of open records and just
being there for searching and reunited triad members
through email, usenet, or chat.