Class Global Story Writing Project
Below is the first paragraph
which Ms. Rechtfertig's class wrote for this project.
All together, we will work with six classes from all over the world.
One evening in October, James and
Deanna were practicing trick-or-treating in their backyard, when they
saw Dad standing near something as big and shiny as a crystal next to
the old oak tree.
Dad said, "Kids, look, it's
a time machine!"
James said, "Wow! How
did you get it, Dad?"
Deanna said, "There's no way that there's a time machine. I mean
what are the chances of a time machine being in our backyard?"
Dad said, "Let's take a cruise. We have to make it quick because
we don't want to worry Mom!"
So, Dad, Deanna, and James hopped in the time machine, and ...
Now, here is EPISODE 2,
Mr. Dave Hill
Grade 5 - Howley Grange Primary School
West Midlands
There was a flash of sapphire blue
light. Twenty years passed by. The backyard
now a beautiful garden. An exotic colourful flower bed surrounded a
healthy emerald green lawn. The lawn was being mowed by a high-tech,
compact, computerised lawn mower, following sensors in the ground. In
the centre of the lawn a lone figure was leaning over a small fountain,
gazing at a shiny marble plaque, which read, "To a dear husband
and two loving children who went missing one dark chilly October night-who
will never be forgotten." Suddenly a single tear drop fell from
her eye into the fountain.
Now, here is EPISODE 3,
Sherry Picha
Grades 5 and 6 - St. Charles School
Genoa, Wisconsin, USA
We are a small fishing town located on the Mississippi River.
"Oh my gosh! Is tha..." Deanna said.
But before she could
finish her sentence, Dad put his hand over her mouth and rushed both
Deanna and James back into the time machine.
"We gotta get
back!" is all Dad could say.
Dad was frantically
pushing buttons when he bumped into Deanna's soda can. It exploded
all over the control panel and Dad.
"Who put this...Oh,
forget it! We just really need to get back to your mother!"
Suddenly, there was
a flash of rose red light. Seventy years had passed by. The
backyard was stark. There were a few flowers in planters, ready
to be planted. There was a small seedling of an oak tree with a gnome
sitting on a mushroom at the base. Next to the statue, sat a little
girl, about 5 years old, playing with a doll. Dad looked out of the
time machine and said...
Now, here is EPISODE 4,
Michele Ben
Grade 8
Ginsburg Haoren Junior High School
Yavneh, Israel
Our school has six grades in it, from 7th through 12th with about 1250
The town of Yavneh is about twenty minutes south of Tel-Aviv.
Yavneh was an important center of scholarship and government at the
end of the first century BC.
Now, Yavneh is a modern town with
three shopping centers, a McDonald's, two community centers,
schools, a library, an arts center, tennis and basketball courts, a
public pool and approximately
50,000 residents. The people who live here are Israeli born, and
are immigrants and refugees from all over the world: North and South
America, North Africa, other Mid-East countries, Central European countries,
Eastern European countries. The newest immigrants and refugees
come from Russia, other ex-Soviet countries and Ethiopia. People live
in apartment buildings or private homes.
Dad looked out of
the time machine and said, "Oh no! We've gone too far back
in time. Look, kids, that must be your grandmother here in the
Deanna and James looked out of the time machine. James said, "Wow,
Deanna said, "Hey, I
have an idea. Let's talk to her."
She was about to leave the
time machine when James grabbed her arm.
"No, Deanna," James said, "I don't think that's a good
We don't know what could happen! We could change the future!"
Dad said, "I think that
James has a point. We really must try to get back to when we were
when we started."
"But the time machine
doesn't work! We were trying to get back but we ended up here!"
Deanna cried as she began
to bang on the control panel.
James started to say, "Be
careful, you'll break it when there was a flash of yellow light and...
Now, here is EPISODE 5,
Melissa Luppi
6th Grade
Middle School at Pierson
Sag Harbor, New York 11963, USA
...suddenly the machine
was moving. It landed with a thud.
"Whatever I did, it worked because we're home!" said Deanna.
"There's my bike right where I left it, see. It has my pink bike
helmet hooked on the handlebars. I can see my name on it."
The family scrambled out of the machine and all ran toward the house.
James looked in the window. "The TV is paused to that video game
I was playing. It's like we never left."
"Come on kids, let's go inside," said their father. "I
see your mother in the kitchen." He opened the back door and they
all walked in.
"Mom! We're back,"James and Deanna cried as their mother approached
"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" the woman
And at last, here is EPISODE
6, from
Ms. Paula Daniel
Year 4
Glenhaven Public School
Glenhaven, Sydney, Australia
Deanna, James and
Dad all looked at each other.
"You're our mum", said James.
"No, I'm not!" said the woman. "I haven't seen you before,"
the woman explained.
"Well how come that is the exact bike and helmet with my name on
it as before?" asked Deanna.
"And how come my video game was paused at the same spot as I was
up to?" said James.
The woman laughed. "My daughter's name is Deanna and my son is
James. I thought they had gone to the shops and they will be back any
It was then that Dad and the children realized that they were still
in their Halloween masks.
"It's us! Mum" they said as they took off their masks.
They all laughed.
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