Projects By Ms. Rechtfertig's Students

1. Essays About Dr. Anderson's Visit to Dixie School .
Students wrote, illustrated, and shared information to learn from a guest speaker's visit.

2. The Monster Exchange
Students wrote step by step instructions for their creative illustrations.

3. California Indian Brochures
Students collaborated to conduct research, use AlphaSmarts, and create
word processed brochures to share information with others.

4. Oreo Project
(See Our Certificate of Participation)
Students engaged in a math discovery activity, and used a BLOG to report and
share findings with hundreds of other classes around the world.

5. Global Story Writing Project
The class
worked together to lead a sequential writing
activity with other students from around the world.

6. Our Class Book Reviews
Each student read a book, created an online review,
and reflected on the book reviews of one another.

7. California History Videos
Students collaborated to write, learn, dramatize,
and share these online videos.

8. Eureka, The Gold Rush Is On!
Students conducted and reported research using AlphaSmarts.
They assisted in the development of this web site design.

9. Our California Indian Video
Students read and learned information.
They collaborated to create scripts in an interview format.
They presented their information for an Internet audience.

10. Document-Based Questioning
Students wrote letters describing advantages and disadvantages
of routes for traveling to California, long ago.
They responded to document-based questions created
by other classes from around the world.

11. Kidspired Frosty Tales
Students read the story, "Owl Moon," and created pictures, for the computer,
illustrating the five senses. Students partnered up on classroom computers to
help their first grade buddies
learn more about the senses.

12. Stamp on Black History
In this CyberHunt, students read information and created
questions which were then answered by other students.