Stories from California History
Videos By Ms. Mary Ann Rechtfertig's 2003-04 Class

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The topics below were chosen by the students, themselves. After selecting their
own partners, the children collaborated to write scripts that tell stories to an
Internet audience in approximately one minute. Students then worked to memorize
their scripts, face the camera, and deliver their message. Well done, fourth graders!

How the Ranchos Came to Be
General Vallejo and a vaquero prepare to measure land for a California rancho.

The Bear Flag Revolt
John C. Fremont meets General Vallejo in California, as the
Bear Flag Revolt is about to begin.

Pioneer Stories
Grandma tells Leanna Donner and Patty Reed stories as they travel on the Oregon Trail to California.

Trapped in the Sierra Nevada Mountains
Members of the Donner Party
take refuge in a cabin in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
Traveling the
Isthmus of Panama
In 1850, three young men seek their fortunes in California's gold fields,
by traveling on foot through Panama.
Three Routes to California
During the Gold Rush, folks traveled west along the California Trail, through Panama, and by ship
around Cape Horn.

Eureka, I Found Gold!
James Marshall and John
Sutter find gold along the
American River.

Dame Shirley
Learn about this brave pioneer and Gold Rush journalist.

Chinese Immigrants During the Gold Rush
In 1849 two Chinese people come
to California to seek their fortune.

California Becomes
a State

At the constitutional convention
in Monterey in 1849, Robert Semple
and General Vallejo discuss where
the borders of the new state should be.

It's A Deal!
It's 1942, and it's World War II. Henry J. Kaiser needs workers,
but all men are at war.
(Description by Sarah.)

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